Dental Anesthesia
We are capable of providing minimal, moderate and deep IV sedation as well as complete general anesthesia with airway protection at the comfort of your dental office.
Medical evaluation and clearance
We will evaluate the patient through a virtual consultation prior to the day of the procedure. After collecting the relevant medical history, we make a determination on whether the patient is a good candidate for IV sedation or general anesthesia. In rare occasions in patients with complicated medical history we order lab tests and adjust medications prior to the procedure. During the virtual consultation, we will also provide the patient with pre-procedural recommendations such as NPO time (fasting time prior to the procedure) and answer any questions they might have regarding anesthesia care.
IV sedation
IV sedation can be an effective method for relieving anxiety, decreasing pain and providing extra comfort during dental procedures. The process is easy and efficient. An IV is placed in one of the veins and anxiolytics, analgesics or sedative drugs are administered through the IV until achieving the desired depth of anesthesia (minimal, moderate, or deep). The amount of sedation can be adjusted throughout the procedure to keep the patient comfortable and safe.
General Anesthesia
Similar to IV sedation, the first step after evaluating the patient is placement of an IV. After the IV is established, anesthetics are administered and the patient will fall in a deep level of sleep (unconsciousness). In most cases airway is protected with an endotracheal tube and all aspects of respiration and ventilation is controlled or monitored by the anesthesiologist. Although it might sound a little anxiety provoking, general anesthesia is extremely safe in the hands of experienced anesthesiologists. As a matter of fact, we prefer this method of anesthesia for majority of our patients, as it is the most comfortable experience for our patients, it provides a completely stable surgical field for our dentists, and provides more flexibility to us as anesthesiologists to adjust the depth of anesthesia.